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Answer Relevancy

For question-answering applications, we provide a simple interface for ensuring question-answering relevancy.


For answer-relevancy, it is important to note that it requires the answer to re-gurgitate the question. We are currently training more models to improve in answer relevancy. If you would like beta access to our models, please feel free to reach out to and we will get back to you soon.

Assert Answer Relevancy

from deepeval.test_utils import assert_answer_relevancy
query = "What is Python?"
answer = "Python is a programming language?"
assert_answer_relevancy(query, answer, minimum_score=0.5)


  • minimum_score refers to the minimum score for this to be considered relevant

Answer Relevancy As A Metric

If you would instead like a score of how relevant an answer is to a query, simply call the metric class.

from deepeval.metrics.answer_relevancy import AnswerRelevancy
scorer = AnswerRelevancy(minimum_score=0.5)
scorer.measure(query=query, answer=answer)
# Returns a floating point number between 0 and 1


  • minimum_score refers to the minimum score for this to be considered relevant

How It is Measured

Answer relevancy is measured using DL models that are trained off MS-Marco dataset (which is a search engine dataset).